วันเสาร์ที่ 1 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557



In my country, when a person invites you to their home for the first time for dinner at 8:00. There are some things you do. He is the custom. Yes, I arrive on time (7.30), early. Yes, I usually take a gift. I usually kind of gifts is a doll. I usually say something nice about the dinner table thanks by and watch delicious food. I ask for more food something. When I finish eating, I will say “Thank You” for this meal. When I leave after from the meal finish. I keep the dishes and other things off the table. Then wipe the table give clean and neat. 


1.  Lock for the meaning of you name.

              My name is Phatchraphorn  Saelim. The meaning of Phatchraphorn is Diamond jewelry but my astrological sign is Phatchraphorn
    P () = [ sri ] = Relevant information in respect of securities, money and fortune.
    CH ()= [Attendant]= Involve people in foster care.
    R () = [value] = Related homes Real estate as a stable.
    A () = [council] = Related patron or to receive help form others.
    P () = [sri] = The same P ()
    R () = [value] = The same R ()
    N () = [age] = Related to physical health way of life.

             Phatchraphorn is be gentle visionary sports enthusiasts dedicated everything to work like movie style their own godly.

2. Find the 10 most popular baby name last year.

(1) Sophia
(3) Alexandra
(4) Madelyn
(5) Elizabeth
(6) Samantha
(7) Katherine
(8) Kimberly
(9) Hailey
(10) Payton

       3.Choose only England. Compare England and Thailand dinner table customs.

England dinner table usually England eat dinner at 7 pm. fast first Appetizers use a food appetizer might be tasteless or taste it. Soup is the second dish. The third dish (entree) is a small made of shrimp, scallops, or seafood. Fast fourth (Main Course) the final dish consisting of meat-type dish.  And Fast five (desert) watering desserts, cakes, ice cream or fruit may be. But Thailand dinner table people in my country usually eat dinner of 6 - 7 pm. Is table manner British people use a fork and knife to eat. Use a spoon for soup In the lap exit Hold the fork in year left hand holding a knife in his right hand ( I handed it back to  them) Food pieces, fork and knife to cut food in to small pieces slide out. Food to the mouth is disrespectful manner), do not use a knife to stab the food into his mouth with. Necessary preliminary to the main dish on the table for us to put bread on the top left. It there is more aligned with the fork. Remove the user from the outside toward the. (of course, the first to the final dish servings) small cutlery. Placed above the top plate for dessert. But Thailand dinner table eating self-sufficiency. WE eat with out own view. Wash hands thoroughly before eating use a clean cloth matting on the floor. The circle sat down to eat rice on a shallow dish of rice embarked on a plate with spoon. Use you right hand to scoop up the rice in the dish grotesquely into fit in the mouth. Use your thumb to puts the loaf into the mouth be careful not to fall cut of his mouth would be bad manners. As part of their diet , such as dishes , cutlery , plate , napkin cup of water and a cup of wine is food Thailand requires a spoon in the middle of a plate of food. Not use their lap , which was nationalized. Mealtime to eat carefully. Not filthily dirty should shut up time for careful chewing so noisy. When finished eating , place is somewhere suitable utensils give neat.

